In today’s modern and technological world, Mahatma Gandhi’s statement that India’s survival rests on the well being of its villages seems even more relevant. A few of India’s hardy rural communities have attempted over the years to keep up to date and adapt to change without sacrificing their highly regarded traditions and abilities that have endured through the past.

One such ideal village of India is the Odanthurai, which is located in Tamil Nadu’s Coimbatore district’s Mettupalayam taluka. Let’s continue reading more about what makes this village an internationally acclaimed one.

Record breaking production of electricity

The village of Odanthurai is regarded as Asia’s smartest village. It is the first village in India to offer both 100% taxation and 100 % sanitation. It is the only village in India with a wind energy plant that can produce 350 kW of electricity. Each home in this town also has a solar panel.

It’s interesting to note that Odanathurai produces electricity not only for its own needs but also sells it to the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB), earning the community 20 lakh rupees annually in return.

So far, this village has sold up to 2 lakh units of electricity and there are currently 4.75 lakh units here. But twenty years ago, none of these amenities existed in this village. So, how did this significant development occur in such a short period of time?

Man behind the miraculous development of Odanthurai

R Shanmugam is to thank for this miracle. He built a bio gas plant in the community, which resulted in a halving of the village’s electricity costs. Even though he was just 10th grade pass, he travelled to Vadodara, Gujarat, for the bio gas plant’s training.

Then, in order to make electricity completely free, he built windmills in the village using a bank loan that he obtained in the Panchayat’s name. He then paid off the bank debt with the extra money he had earned. Therefore, the world community appreciates the Odanthurai village for the quantity of electricity it saves.

Transformation into an upscale village

The Panchayat’s efforts extended beyond producing electricity. 850 homes have also been built here as part of the state government’s green house scheme. An important factor in the village’s development was Shanmugam. This Tamil Nadu village is one that receives tourists from other countries.

In addition, numerous Indian Air Force commanders and college academics visit the village. Odanthurai has no electricity shortage but the residents conserve electricity. In this modern village, everyone is educated, and the locals use solar and LED streetlights instead of wasting electricity.

The village’s maintenance is also excellent, and drinking water is available through pipes that are open 24 hours a day. Each and every road has been asphalted, and maintenance is done from time to time. Thus, Odanthurai is a perfect illustration of a modern village.

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